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Thursday, October 26, 2017

New Passenger Station of the Lehigh Valley at Rochester, N. Y.

The Railroad Gazette, August 25. 1905

 The Lehigh Valley is building a new passenger station at Rochester, N. Y. The station and approach is an elevated structure built over the 'Genesee river and the raceway, adjoining the Erie canal, on the south side of Court street bridge. The entrance to the station will be froln Court street bridge. It will be a onestory brick building; 51 ft. x 61 ft. outside, with a clerestory over the general waiting-room, with windows on all sides and a vestibule and porte cochere entrance leading from the sidewalk of the Court street bridge. The building will be carried on steel girders resting on masonry piers.

The interior is divided into a general waiting room 29 ft. x 48 ft.; ticket and telegraph office, 16 ft. 6 in. x 9 ft. 6:lh in.; baggage room, 16 ft. 6 in. x 25 ft. 2 in.; men's toilet room, 11 ft. 10 in. x 16 ft.; women's toilet room, 11 ft. 10 in. x 12 ft.; women1s rest
room, 11 ft. 10 in. x 19 ft. 8 .in.; vestibule, 1~ ft.10in.x9ft. 6in., and ne\vstand, 6 ft. x 9 ft. The boiler room is in the basement and the coal bins are hung from girders under the 'building. The clear height of the general waiting room is 21 ft. 4 in. and of all other rooms about 11 ft.

 All platforms around the station will be of concrete and covered, except the extension of the Court street bridge concrete sidewalks in front of the building. The platform along the east side of the building will be 16 ft. wide, and on the south side or rear of building 18 ft. 6 in. wide. There will be a neat pipe railing around all platforms.

 The viaduct track approach and train shed will be carried on a steel bridge construction resting on stone walls and piers 'built along the river and in the raceway. The train shed platform will be of wood, 365 ft. long, with a wooden umbrella canopy roof 305 ft. long. The canopy will be 13 ft. wide. The viaduct approach will be 566 ft. long. There will be a driveway or court-ya.rd about 60 ft. x 70 ft., leading in from Court street bridge. The drIveway will have asphalt finish on a concrete bed supported by steel girders resting on masonry piers.

 The express building will be a one-story brick building, 28 ft. x 50 ft., with a concrete platform 11 ft. wide in front of it. The exterior of the passenger station will be built of dark mottled buff pressed brick, with a battered base of rock faced dark red vitrified paving blocks, with blue stone water table and sill course. Keystones of arches, lintels and sills will be dressed blue stone. The tower finials and trim will be terra cotta. The roof of the main building will be slate, with copper flashing, and the exterior finish of the express building will be similar to that of the main building.

 The interior finish of the passenger station will be plastered walls with quarter-sawed oak wainscoting and trim. The ceiling of the general waiting-room will be a bealned ceiling with ornamental composition consoles. Floors will generally be maple except in the vestibule and toilet rooms, where there will be a concrete marble chip terrazzo floor. The interior of the building will be well lighted by windows at each end of the general waiting room and upper lights in the clerestory. The lighting at night will be by electric fixtures. The building will be heated by steam from a boiler in the basement under the east side of the main building.

Mr. F. D. Hyde, 7 East 42d street, New York City, designed the station, has the contract for its construction, and also the approach. It is expected that the new station will be placed in use by next December.