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Saturday, October 28, 2017

A New Railroad

An Important Enterprise

A very important new railroad enterprise has just been assured for Allegany county. It is no less than the extension of the Olean & Friendship narrow gauge to Belvidere, Angelica, Swains, Nunda and Mt. Morris - or near the latter point - where it will form an important connection with the extension of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad.

The importance of this will be understood when we state that the connection at (or near) Mt. Morris on the one hand, and at Olean, with the B., N.Y. & P., on the other hand, introduce to this county and section a distinctly rival line of railroad to the Erie.

The right of way is being bought and paid for from Friendship to Belvidere. The work of grading is going rapidly forward, and it is expected that much of the line - at least that from Friendship to Angelica - will be completed and in running order before Jan. 1st. It is owned by the great syndicate, represented by Chapman, Clark, Post & Martin, Seligman and others, and evidently means business in earnest.


  • Wellsville Daily Reporter. November 1, 1881.  Provided by Richard Palmer.